How to Choose the Perfect Printing Service

5 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Almost every business will at some point need to create some printed materials. Whether you are considering printing personalised company paper, an advertising brochure or sales literature, it is vital to find quality printers who can get your message across to your audience in a professional manner. Here are three things you can do to make sure that you choose the best printers for your company. Understand your own needs Read More 

Why You Should Choose a Wordmark Logo for Your Small Brand

3 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Broadly speaking, there are two categories of logos that you can choose for your brand: symbols and wordmarks. Symbol logos, like the Apple logo or Twitter's blue bird, are pictorial. Wordmarks, on the other hand, are typographic and focused on the company's name—think Coca Cola or Google. Both can work well in different applications, but for most small businesses, wordmarks have the edge. Here are three reasons why you should choose one for your brand when hiring a graphic designer: Read More 

Top 3 Factors to Consider When Picking a Digital Printing Firm

9 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

With so many commercial digital printing companies in Australia today, choosing a digital printing company can be challenging. Some companies specialise in making safety signs and vehicle signage, among other products and services. So, how can a procurement manager pick the right printing firm to partner with? Below are some solid points such managers can rely on to evaluate potential partners. All this can be accomplished by discussing potential printers with colleagues, visiting different websites and calling the contenders you have shortlisted. Read More